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Poussinage de rentrée

From Sunday Sept. 1, 2024 8 a.m. to Thursday Sept. 12 4 p.m.
Participez à l'intégration des conscrit.e.s en formant des groupes de parrains/marraines (les Familles) avec vos !

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InterQ (InterCulturals) 24

From Friday April 12 to Sunday April 14, 2024
The InterQ (Inter Culturelles) 2024 will take place from 12 to 14 April at the ENS Ulm! This weekend-long event brings together more than 40 cultural projects, concerts, buffets and parties.

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[Gymnasium Party] Rouge & Noire (Red & Black)

From Saturday March 16, 2024 10 p.m. to Sunday March 17 4 a.m.
The long-awaited ❤️ ROUGE & NOIRE 🖤 (RED & BLACK), aka Paris's biggest LGBTQ+ student party, returns on Saturday, March 16, 2024, from 10pm to 4am, at the ENS gymnasium!

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[K-Fêt Party] the Nuizette

From Friday June 2, 2023 6 p.m. to Saturday June 3 1 a.m.
This Friday, June 2, it's the 🏮Nuizette🏮! The last COF party of the year, preceded by a 🍴buffet🍴 in the Courô! So get down wearing white to the Courô at 10pm to fill your belly, before moving on to the K-Fêt for what promises to be a memorable evening! Warning show pompom at 21h30 !!!

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48H des Arts 2023

From Friday April 14, 2023 4 p.m. to Sunday April 16 4 p.m.
Événement BdA gratuit et ouvert à toustes, les 48h des Arts permettent aux élèves de porter des projets artistiques et d'en profiter pleinement pendant un week-end ensoleillé.

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Rouge et Noire 2023

From Saturday March 25, 2023 9 p.m. to Sunday March 26 2:30 a.m.
Samedi 25 mars 2023, de 22h à 4h30, la plus grande soirée LGBTQI+ étudiante de Paris se déroulera à l'ENS ! Venez !

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AGE February

On Monday Feb. 20, 2023 at 8 p.m.
Meet us in Galois at 8 p.m. on Monday, February 20th for the Budget General Assembly!

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AGE Changement de banque

On Monday Feb. 6, 2023 at 7 p.m.
Come to the exceptional General Assembly, which will take place on 6 February 2023, at 8pm in the Galois amphitheatre, to discuss the parternship with the bank Société Générale.

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[Soirée K-Fêt] Dancing QueENS !

From Friday Jan. 13, 2023 10 p.m. to Saturday Jan. 14 3 a.m.
You are all invited to the first party of the COF 2023 mandate, "Dancing Queens", this Friday, January 13th in K-Fêt from 10pm to 3am.

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Christmas Party

From Friday Dec. 16, 2022 9 p.m. to Saturday Dec. 17 2 a.m.
You are all invited to our Christmas themed Party on Friday 16 December 2022 from 10pm to 3am !

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AG Lists

On Thursday Dec. 1, 2022 from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m.
It won't be long before the the campaign season for the COF elections starts ! The GA where the "lists" will be introduced will be held on Thursday, December 1st in the Galois amphitheater starting at 9pm !

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La Nuit de l'ENS

From Saturday Nov. 26, 2022 7 p.m. to Sunday Nov. 27 4 a.m.
La Nuit, the Gala of the École Normale Supérieure will take place on Saturday, November 26, at 45 rue d'Ulm. The ticketing is open! Discover also the program of the evening!

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AGB - October 2022

On Tuesday Oct. 25, 2022 from 6 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
The October AGB will be held on Tuesday, October 25 at 8:00 pm in the Galois Amphitheater! Come to defend your favorite club's budget! It's also a good time to discover the activities offered by the clubs.

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From Friday Oct. 21, 2022 8 p.m. to Saturday Oct. 22 2 a.m.
The mythical ENS Halloween party will take place at the gymnasium (located 45 rue d'Ulm) on Friday, October 21. As you may have guessed, a Halloween party means dressing up, so let your creativity run wild! Dare to wear a mask or an amazing costume to set the dancefloor on fire!

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Autumn snack

On Tuesday Oct. 4, 2022 from 3 p.m. to 8 p.m.
The COF organizes an autumn snack this Tuesday, October 4th in the K-Fêt, starting from 5pm! And then a cozy film at 8pm, still in the K-Fêt, with Dead Poets Society on the program !

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Fluo Party

From Friday Sept. 30, 2022 8 p.m. to Saturday Oct. 1 1 a.m.
After a rest from the buro, here is the return of the parties with the mythical fluo party! We are waiting for you all, more brilliant than the others, in K-Fêt this Friday, September 30th from 10pm to 3am.

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MEGA 2022

From Thursday Sept. 15, 2022 7 p.m. to Sunday Sept. 18 8 p.m.
Come and enjoy a wonderful weekend organized by the COF! On the program: sports competition, swimming, parties, game nights, foam cocktail, color time ...

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Back to school party

From Saturday Sept. 10, 2022 8 p.m. to Sunday Sept. 11 3 a.m.
The back to school party is the first Gymnase party of the year. It will take place on September 10th from 10pm to 4am. We look forward to seeing you there!

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Integration 2022

From Sunday Sept. 4 to Sunday Sept. 18, 2022
Take advantage of the beginning of the school year to discover the associative life of the ENS. Follow the back-to-school schedule and discover the activities offered by the COF!

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Nouveaux Pulms !

On Thursday Sept. 1, 2022
Oyé oyé ! Les nouveaux pulms sont arrivés. Passez au burô pendant nos perms (12-14h et 18-20h) pour en faire la douce acquisition.

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COF 2022 Memberships

From Wednesday Aug. 31, 2022 4 p.m. to Sunday Sept. 1 9 p.m.
It's time to join or re-join the COF for the year 2022! You will be able to take advantage of all our activities (access to clubs, K-Fêt discount, participation to events, ...).

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Plâkette 2022

On Tuesday Aug. 30, 2022 at 8:14 p.m.
The 2022 edition of the ENS Plâkette will show you how marvelous the associative life of the school is !

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Nuizette 2022

From Saturday June 4, 2022 5 p.m. to Sunday June 5 1 a.m.
You are all invited to the last COF party of the 2021/2022 school year! La Nuizette, it will take place on Saturday June 4th 2022. The program is the following : K-Fêt, Concert, Pompom show and Boum!

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Soirée CrétaCOFf

From Tuesday May 24, 2022 8 p.m. to Wednesday May 25 midnight
Go back in time on the 23rd mai 2022 and meet dinosaurs ! The COF is waiting for you all !

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48h des arts 2022 et programme !

From Friday May 13, 2022 6 p.m. to Sunday May 15 9:59 p.m.
The BdA is thrilled to share with you the “48h22” festival’s program. We remind you that it will take place this weekend and will start this Friday !

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Soirée WoodstCOF

From Friday April 29, 2022 8 p.m. to Saturday April 30 1 a.m.
You are invited to the next party organized by the COF which will take place on Friday, April 29th in K-Fêt starting at 10pm. This evening will make you relive the great years of the Woodstocks festival.

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Goûter de PrintENS

On Tuesday April 19, 2022 from 2:30 p.m. to 5 p.m.
We are waiting for you this afternoon at 4:30 pm in the Courô for a spring snack! Beyond the traditional pancakes and waffles, churros and hot drinks will also be offered!

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La Rouge et Noire

From Friday April 8, 2022 9 p.m. to Saturday April 9 2 a.m.
Hello to all! La Rouge et Noire is on April 8th! Tickets are available! Come!

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Soirée Sous l'OcéENS

From Friday April 1, 2022 8 p.m. to Saturday April 2 1 a.m.
You are all invited to the next COF party which will take place on April 1st, at 10pm in K-Fêt, 45 rue d'ULM. The theme of the party is "Under the Ocean".

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Soirée Saint-Patrick 🍀

From Tuesday March 22, 2022 9 p.m. to Wednesday March 23 2 a.m.
You are invited to the next party organized by the COF, on Tuesday March 22, 2022. This evening will be on the theme of St Patrick's Day, so fans of Irish music, and Guinness (or should we say GuinnENS) for the craziest, you are all expected at 45 rue d'Ulm in K-Fêt at 10pm for a crazy evening until 3am!

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K-fêt Foraine

On Friday March 18, 2022 from 3:30 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Hi gals, guys and pals! Meet us on this Friday at 16:30 pm to discover the K-Fêt turned into a funfair!

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Soirée COFnaval !

From Friday March 4, 2022 9 p.m. to Sunday Feb. 27 2 a.m.
Soirée COFnaval en K-Fêt le vendredi 4 mars 2022 à partir de 22h ! Venez déguisé.e.s ou pas ! Aucune obligation

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Soirée GuENS who's back ?

From Friday Feb. 18, 2022 10 p.m. to Saturday Feb. 19 3 a.m.
C'est le grand retour des soirées K-fêt ! C'est donc avec une petite larme que le COF vous annonce l'arrivée tant attendue de sa première soirée K-Fêt, justement intitulée GuENS who's back ? Rendez-vous le 18 février à 22h pour retrouver le mixage du BOUM, les projos de PLS et l'ambiance endiablée qui vous avaient tant manqué !

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Galette aux Ernest.e.s

On Thursday Jan. 27, 2022
It's time for the « galette aux Ernest.e.s » ! The COF treats you with delicious frangipane cakes in this end of January.

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Film "Le Seigneur des Anneaux"

From Friday Jan. 21, 2022 9 p.m. to Saturday Jan. 22 5 a.m.
You are invited to the first event of the new COF 2022. A screening of "Lord of the Rings" is organized on Friday, January 21 at 45 rue d'Ulm, in the Dussane room, starting at 9pm.

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Integration 2021

From Wednesday Sept. 1, 2021 6 a.m. to Sunday Sept. 19 9 p.m.
Suivez le planning de rentrée et venez à toutes les activités !

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From Tuesday April 13 to Thursday July 29, 2021
Disc'Ulm ! Mais qu'est-ce que c'est ? Un magasin de disque... NON Un club d'ultimate... NON Venez parler, chiller, écouter de la musique, et jouer a des jeux. 100% COVID PROOF

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OEufs de Po'ULM

On Monday April 5, 2021 from 10 a.m. to noon
Paqu'ULM - Oef'ULM - Po'ULM aux OEufs d'Or - Ch'ENS aux OEufs - OEufs de Po'ULM - Chasse aux OE'ULM

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From Thursday Feb. 11 to Sunday Feb. 14, 2021
Envoyez des lettres d'amour ou d'amitié !

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On Thursday March 5, 2020 at 9 p.m.
Discosmos party in the K-Fêt the 5th of March

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