COF memberships were reset on the evening of August 25. Want to take advantage of all the activities offered by the COF for the year 2022-2023 (access to clubs, K-Fêt discount, participation in events, etc.)? Join us!
It will be possible for you to join or re-join the club at the usual times as soon as the school year starts (12pm-2pm and 6pm-8pm from Monday to Friday). To make the first perms more fluid, we allow you to join through the following ticketing system: .
All you have to do is to go to the perm to get your card and finalize your membership (until you go to the perm, the membership will not be effective).
We would like to remind you that any person who has debts towards the COF, whether it is by BDA draw or by any other service provided by the COF, notably the K-Fêt, will have to pay his debts towards the association in order to be able to re-join and participate in the events (MEGA, parties, etc.).
We wish you a good end of vacations, and we look forward to seeing you again this fall!
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