Important files

Statutes of the Association of the École Normale Supérieure Students

COF-BDS Occupancy agreement for the premises

Internal rules of the Association of the École Normale Supérieure Students

About the creation and management of clubs

Here is a document (in french...) which could prove useful for persons in charge of clubs.
But it's rather outdated.

Minutes from the general assemblies

The minutes (shortened to "PV" in french), which are the transcripts of the discussions and debates of each general assembly (shortened to "AG" in french), are important documents. In fact they constitute :

  • A proof in case of a later conflict about what has been decided ;
  • A written basis for future actions and needs, keeping track of what has been made/voted during each session.

Besides, the minutes reliably inform all the association members that were absent during the assembly. They are necessarily accessible to each member of the COF, either on demand at our office or online.

Be it an ordinary or extraordinary session, the minutes provide an executive power to the decisions taken by the association. Examples of frequent decisions taken during general assemblies are :

  • The yearly assessment ;
  • The renewal of the responsibles' powers ;
  • The new projects of the association ;
  • The vote of budgets allocated to events and clubs.

You can find below the minutes of the last sessions. Only those of the last five years are accessible here but previous minutes can be consulted on demand by asking us in person or by e-mail for example.











Balance sheets of the association