One among many usual missions assigned to the COF is the search for and the negotiation of partnerships. In exchange of the advertisement we do for their services, right here for example, our partners offer discounts on their prices to the COF members.
If you want to benefit from these partnerships, don't forget to show your member card !
And then, who are they ?
Our current partners are mainly local shops and stores, among which there is a nice diversity of restaurants (chinese, indian, italian, japanese...), but also bakeries, organic stores, a bank, an online driving school, and an optician shop.
You can freely explore in details what they offer just below these words.
Amrit Inde : Indian restaurant/caterer
Indian "à la carte" restaurant, with an all-you-can-eat option at noon.
On presentation of your COF member card you get a discount of -20% on the price of every dish as well as for the all-you-can-eat option, and -30% for drinks.
Location : 12, rue Thouin in the 5th arrondissement (where the rue Mouffetard starts)
Baker's shop, nicknamed Magical Bakery ("BM" for Boulangerie Magique in french).
On presentation of the COF member card, they sell baguettes at 0,90€ each, for group orders only.
Location : 45, rue Claude Bernard in the 5th arrondissement
Best Optic (optician)
Best Optic : closest to the ENS optician.
Best Optic offers a discount of -20% on all their goods (glasses, contact lenses, cleaning products, etc.) for every student and staff from the ENS. You can check what they have in store on their website (in french).
Location : 66, rue Claude Bernard in the 5e arrondissement
Biocoop - La Ruche de Mouffetard : store pledged to a green way of consuming and solidarity in economy.
Biocoops are grocery stores selling green goods, in particular organic and fair trade food. It isn't a store belonging to a retail chain but rather a cooperative network in which producers (mainly breeders and growers) attend to general assemblies and administration concils, actively taking part in the decision process.
On presentation of the COF member card, or the ENS multifunction card, they offer -5% of discount on all the store (except for a few "committed goods" that are sold withouth any margin).
Location : 4, rue Claude Bernard in the 5th arrondissement
Montrouge's Biocoop : store pledged to a green way of consuming and solidarity in economy.
Consuming in a more responsible way is a real consideration for many of you, but as a student it is mostly a challenge.
We hope that this partnership with Montrouge's Biocoop will be of some help : on presentation of the COF member card you get a discount of -8% on everything (except for PMA goods, and it isn't cumulative with other discounts/sales).
Address : 99, rue Maurice Arnoux ; 92120 Montrouge
Brought to you by a former COF member in charge of partnerships, who fell in love with the place. Vegetarian friendly, with a quiet, green and cosy atmosphere (watch out for the ceiling : it's a real garden). The homemade bagels, quiches, cakes are a simple and powerful gustative pleasure.
On presentation of your COF member card, they offer you a discount of -20% on all the menu, and formulas except for the student one. Thus you can have a main dish + drink + dessert for 7€20 only.
Location : 60, rue Gay Lussac in the 5th arrondissement
Phone number : +33 6 50 40 03 56
Edogawa : Japanese restaurant
Edogawa : Japanese all-you-can-eat restaurant.
On presentation of the COF member card, you get a discount of -20% on drinks and -1,50€ on the evening formula.
Location : 43, rue Mouffetard in the 5th arrondissement
Phone number : +33 1 73 79 05 74
Golosino : Italian restaurant
Golosino : Italien "à la carte" restaurant/pizzeria.
Ideal for meetings : for five pizzas bought, the 6th is free, with a maximum of 11€. Don't forget to mention that you're from the ENS when ordering !
They also have a student formula : for one pizza bought, the drink is offered.
Ornikar is the most popular online driving school in France, offering a connected and flexible training at half the price that traditional driving school propose.
With this partnership you can use the promotional code "ORNIENS" and benefit from the formula "Code de la route + 20 hours of training" at 709€ instead of 749€.
If you're interested, just go check their website, and when you order a full training after you've registered, don't forget to fill the "code promotionnel" space with ORNIENS.
le cinéma Grand Action, situé au 5 rue des écoles dans le 5ème, nous propose un tarif à 4€50 au lieu dede 6€. Pour bénéficier de la réduction, il suffit de présenter votre carte d’adhérent.e du COF de l’ENS Ulm.
Ce sont les invitées phares de (quasi) toutes nos soirées : les paillettes de Si Si la Paillette ! Biodégradables et livrées dans des emballages 100% recyclables, elles viennent orner votre visage en toute bonne conscience écologique. Une partie des profits est aussi reversé à des causes féministes et d'inclusivité, telles que la Marche des Fiertés ou Octobre Rose.
Les adhérent.e.s du COF bénéficient de 15% de réduction ! Pour en profiter, il suffit d'entrer le code ENS15 au moment du paiement, ou de présenter votre carte d'adhérent.e en boutique.
Le cinéma de l’épée de bois, cinéma d’art et d’essais, 100 rue Mouffetard dans le 5ème (à 5min à pieds depuis Ulm) : le tarif sera de 5€ au lieu de6€90 pour les adhérent.e.s COF !! Pour profiter de ces tarifs réduits il faudra venir passer acheter des places au Buro sur les heures de perm. 😊