Les 10 niveaux en monocycle
En théorie, tout ceci est très sérieux, et chaque niveau doit être passé
en respectant un certain nombre de règles. En réalité, je n'accorde pas
beaucoup d'importances à ces histoires de niveau. Je les utilise pour
évaluer ce que je sais, et pour me fixer de nouveaux objectifs.
Niveau 1
- Monter sans aide sur le monocycle
- Rouler 50 mètres
- Descendre élégamment, avec le monocycle devant soi
Niveau 2
- Monter du pied gauche
- Monter du pied droit
- Rouler 10 mètres entre deux lignes parallèles éloignées de 30cm
l'une de l'autre
- Faire un «8» avec des boucles d'un diamètre inférieur à 3
- Descendre une marche de 15 cm
- Tourner nettement à angle droit vers la gauche
- Tourner nettement à angle droit vers la droite
Niveau 3
- Montrer 3 types de montée
- Ride a figure 8 with circle diameters smaller than 1.5 m
- Come to stop, pedal half a revolution backward and continue forward
- Ride with the stomach on the seat for 10 m
- Make a sharp 180 degree turn to the left
- Make a sharp 180 degree turn to the right
- Hop 5 times
- Ride over a 10 x 10 cm obstacle
Niveau 4
- Montrer 4 types de montée
- Ride backward for 10 m
- Ride one footed for 10 m
- Idle with left foot down 25 times
- Idle with right foot down 25 times
- Ride with the seat out in front for 10 m
- Ride with the seat out in back for 10 m
- Make a sharp 360 degree turn the left
- Make a sharp 360 degree turn the right
Niveau 5
- Montrer 5 types de montée
- Ride backward in a circle
- Ride one footed in a figure eight
- Idle one footed with left foot down 25 times
- Idle one footed with right foot down 25 times
- Ride with the seat out in front in a circle
- Ride with the seat out in back in a circle
- Ride with the seat on the side in a circle
- Hop-twist 90 degrees to the left
- Hop-twist 90 degrees to the right
- Hop standing on wheel 5 times (IUF)
- Walk the wheel for 10 m (USA)
(No feet on the pedals, instead you propel
the unicycle by walking on the surface of the tire while sitting)
Niveau 6
- Montrer 6 types de montée
- Ride backward in a figure 8
- Ride with the seat out in front in a figure eight
- Ride with the seat out in back in a figure eight
- Ride backward with the seat out in front for 10 m
- Walk the wheel for 10 m (IUF) (No feet on the pedals, instead you propel
the unicycle by walking on the surface of the tire while sitting)
- Ride with seat on the side in a circle to the left
- Ride with seat on the side in a circle to the right
- Ride one footed with the left foot for 10 m
- Ride one footed with the right foot for 10 m
- Backspin
- Frontspin
- Spin
- Hop standing on wheel 5 times (USA)
Niveau 7
- Montrer 7 types de montée
- Ride backward with seat out in front in a circle
- Ride one footed with left foot in a circle
- Ride one footed with right foot in a circle
- Walk the wheel in a circle
- Walk the wheel one footed for 10 m
- Hop-twist 180 degrees to the left
- Hop-twist 180 degrees to the right
- Ride backward with the seat out in back for 10 m
- Spin to the left
- Spin to the right
Niveau 8
- Montrer 8 types de montée
- Ride one footed with the left foot in a figure 8
- Ride one footed with the right foot in a figure 8
- Walk the wheel in a figure eight
- Walk the wheel one footed in a circle
- Ride backward one footed for 10 m
- Glide for 10 m (no feet on the pedals, you can use a foot on the surface of
the tire as a brake.)
- Hand wheel walk for 10 m
- Pirouette
- Backward spin
Niveau 9
- Montrer 9 types de montée
- Walk the wheel one footed in a figure 8
- Ride backward one footed in a circle
- Ride backward with the seat out in front in figure 8
- Ride backward with the seat out in back in a circle
- Walk the wheel one footed with left foot for 10 m
- Walk the wheel one footed with right foot for 10 m
- Walk the wheel backward for 10 m
- Drag seat in front 10 m
- Drag seat in back for 10 m
- Ride backward one footed with the left foot 10 m
- Ride backward one footed with the right foot 10 m
- Ride one footed with the seat out in front for 10 m
- Backward pirouette
Niveau 10
- Montrer 10 types de montée
- Ride backward with seat out in back in a figure 8
- Ride backward one footed in a figure 8
- Walk the wheel one footed with left foot in circle
- Walk the wheel one footed with right foot in circle
- Walk the wheel backward in a circle
- 180 uni spin
- Sideways wheel walk for 10 m
- Coast for 10 m
- Side ride for 10 m
- Walk the wheel one footed backward for 10 m