MEGA 2024

Happens from Thursday Sept. 12 to Sunday Sept. 15, 2024

Tickets for MEGA are now available! Find out all about this year's integration weekend and get your tickets (priority to conscripts).


​​The back-to-school season has just begun... and yet it’s already almost time for MEGA!

Wait... the Mé-what?

But if you know, the trip super (mega) fun and super (mega) stylish in a secret place, where you can play party, play ,do sports of our choice, or just chill with others!

You will have understood (even more if you read the Plakette), the MEGA is the nickname of the WEEKEND of integration of the ENS!


The departure will be on Thursday, September 12 in the evening (22h, en Courô) and a return on Sunday, September 15 in the evening.

On the program: evenings for all tastes; fun activities, sports or chill; meetings, discussions, good times; and above all, good mood and kindness.

You will be staying in bungalows 🏡 ; all meals are vegetarian 🥕 (with vegan alternative). We take care of the transport 🚌: it allows us to keep the surprise of the place! Information on the composition of the bungalows and what to take in your luggage will be delivered later.


Tuesday, September 3 to 5: priority to newcomers ! (Anyone in the higher year will have their seat removed if purchased during this period.) From 5 September: the elderly and the elderly can reserve their place.

The purchase of seats is done permanently, or more simply by ticketing:

The rates:

165€ for a normalien “élève”

110€ for a Norman student, Master’s degree, doctoral student, exchange student, etc.

60€ for a grant


  • We ask for 2 deposits: a "small" of 50 €, by cheque to the AEENS (for non-compliance with the rules of life and safety), and a "large" of 100 €, via the digital platform of our provider, link below (in case of degradation). Obviously, the ideal is that we have nothing to cash. You must bring us the cheque during our stays before departure.

Link for the digital deposit: you will receive it by mail after taking your place.

  • You must have joined the COF and the BDS, which helps us to organize (we take this opportunity to thank them, and also PLS, the K-Fêt, the Boum and all the clubs and acts eur rice that will give life to this weekend).
  • You must have attended a VSS conference (we will check registrations with the DEVEC).

After this long text of instructions, we wish you to enjoy the new year and we hope to find many of you!

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate!

See you soon at the buro (or in Courô, as long as there is sun) ☀️,